Wednesday 16 May 2018

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Day 10
Tasks for the day include:
  • geophysics
  • test pitting
  • flotation 
  • excavating

It rained overnight and during the day has been considerably colder than preceeding days with light showers and cloud cover which, while making everything just a smidge more depressing, has allowed for much better visibility in the trenches.

After 9 days of work in the grass field, 2 discoveries of flint were made, one of which was in trench 7 whilst the other was in test pit 49.

In trench seven, 3 further excavations have been created within the greater trench in an attempt to more completely understand the form and morphology of the structure that seems to have been discovered. The dry conditions of the days before this has lead to a difficulty in visibility due to the amount of dust.

On the western edge of the grass field, the test pits being dug were considerably deeper than in other areas of the farm. Whilst most of the pits yielded nothing but clay pipe and pottery fragments, some features had been discovered which could be a hearth. As well as this, a piece of flint as discovered.

The time travellers have been excavating trench 11/12, they have so far found the possible remains of a wall and a possible posthole. They have also found multiple pieces of flint and pottery as well as two long clay pipes possibly dated to the 1940’s and the top of an old Henderson’s relish bottle.

In the experimental field test pits continued to be dug on the anomalies seen on the geophysical survey. So far post-medieval clay pipes, ceramic and glass as well as a possible piece of flint were uncovered.
In the four acres field geophysical survey continued to take place. The field was chosen for its close proximity to the grass field where the main excavation is taking place. So far an anomaly has been found in the lower-right hand side of the field and it is unclear if this is manmade or natural.
Floatation proceeded today in order to find anything missed on the main excavation, as of now small amounts of metal works, roman metals and charred objects/pottery have been found.

In trench 6, trowelling commenced in the hopes of finding more flint and cleaning the surface but unfortunately, the only discoveries were that of clay pipe fragments.

In trench 9 cleaning was taking place in order to try and expose a possible gateway or entrance to the enclose, unfortunately no significant finds were made.

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